


Our vision is to "create a sustainable society" and we promote business activities that lead to solutions to social issues.

Among the mounting social issues both domestically and internationally, we are particularly focused on the "decline in Japan's working-age population due to the low birthrate and ageing population". This shortage of labour due to the decline in the working-age population will directly lead to a decline in national power. As a company with business activities based in Japan, we regard this issue as a top priority that must be addressed immediately, and we are committed to activities that contribute to solving the problem.

While the Japanese workforce continues to decline, the world's population continues to grow rapidly, and the number of overseas human resources working in Japan is increasing year by year. This means that for Japanese companies the recruitment and training of overseas personnel, and the development of an environment conducive to their acceptance and retention, will be extremely important in the future.

We will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by providing a variety of solutions based on our marketing and overseas human resources businesses, utilising the wealth of resources and know-how we have accumulated since our establishment in 1975.

VISION:Creating a Sustainable Society

Social Issues that Zenken Focuses on

  • Declining Birthrate and Aging Population
    • Decrease in Working-Age Population
    • Depopulation of Rural Areas
  • Global Population Explosion
    • Securing Employment Opportunities
    • Job Satisfaction for Foreign Workers

Business Focus on Solutions (From 2023)
Marketing and Overseas Human Resources

  • Marketing Business
    Customer Attraction Support through Web Marketing
  • Overseas Human Resources Business
    Staffing Support for Companies with Personnel Shortages
  • Global Education Business
    Language Education for Developing Global Talent


Our company is committed to enhancing corporate value by aiming for further growth in our existing businesses, while focusing on developing business in the growth market area of human resources, especially in the field of overseas IT talent. For this reason, the two management indicators we are now focusing on are "revenue" and "operating profit."